Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ohiopyle State Park

-- Where the slopes of Laurel Ridge clash with the Youghiogheny River in Pennsylvania, you can find this 'unique to say the least' State Park.  Natural water slides, waterfalls, whitewater rapids, scenic overlooks, and a steep mountainous landscape combine to make this place just a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. We went and explored this area when we were passing through on our longboaring across the US trip (more on that later), but we almost missed it. If it wasn't for the help of the locals, in this case a lady at the laundromat, we would of never found it. Always ask around about cool local spots to anyone like coffee shop owners, your grocery clerk, etc. You just never know.                                                                                  Ohiopyle State Park, Fayette County Pennsylvaniaok, when we first showed up to this place, we were feeling sluggish from bad sleep the night before because the guys skated until 2 am. to get here. When we all woke up, which was way too early, the first thing we saw was Cucumber Falls which was, at that time, happily just a short walk off the road and not a hike.     (--pictures of that on my instagram @myroamingstory.) this waterfall was unlike one i've ever seen due to the fact that the water doesn't even run fast enough to make you stumble as you cross atop it. in fact, its just a gentle stream of water, but it falls off of a scenic, flat 100 foot cliff, and even mostly whisps away before it hits the ground. It's comparable to sitting at the edge of two tectonic plates that have separated, really cool. What we were most excited to see here was the natural water slides which the locals talked up so much. when we saw it, we were blown away and when we experienced it,we were no longer sluggish or tired. It did, however, kind of left us wanting more speed, so we decided to blow up our kayak and bomb down. (pictured above), and it was the best idea we have ever had. It's definitely an experience to be had to be sliding down something comparable to a water park, but instead was formed flowing water. Ohioplye does offer some amazing hikes and trails but i feel we stuck more to the water aspect of things due to the short time we had there, but we definitely did go to the main Ohiopyle falls, and even stood atop it to soak in the view. (pictured below). What looks like to me is the Pacific Northwest, but on the east coast. I highly recommend this place to any outdoor enthusiast, especially if your learning to, or are an experienced white water rafter. due to the fact they have Class III and Class IV rapids good for any amateur or proGreat, now i'm rekindling all these memories of this place, and i gotta go back. I'll see you guys there :) 

all pictures featured were taken by me on the Replay XD action camera.// Matt Monthei //       'I'll get there someday, but until the, i will enjoy being on the way'

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